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Such a beautiful castle

is fun to play with
Waldorf crafts, Paper & Cardboard, Cutting & Pasting, Painting, and Recycling
Kasteel sidepic

What do you need?
a cartboard box
2 cylindrical tubes (like from pringles)
bricks and roof tile paper
Strong glue
coloured paper
felt tip pens
large needle
Stanley knife (for adults only)

Kasteel sidepicll
This month we have read many books about knights and castles and we have visited Slot Loevestein. It makes sense that knights and castles are the talk of the day and that we would like to craft a Loevestein like castle with knights ;)) Our little Puk has already fully figured out how it should be. He draws it all for us and tells us that the parts must be loose, then he can play with it differently every time. Good idea!

How to make the towers, they are quickly ready
The tubes in which hamster sand comes are very good but every other tube will do. If you not have on make your own out of cardboard with staples.

Torens 01
Torens 02
Torens 03
Torens 04

Measure the tube and cut the paper to size.

Roll the paper around the tube and stick it on.

Slide rubber band around the tubes and let the glue dry.

Trace a saucer slightly larger than the diameter of the tube.

Torens 05
Torens 06
Torens 07

Trace it on bricks paper and cut the circles out.

Trace the circles on thick cardboard, cut those out too.

Spread glue in between both circles.

Torens 08
Torens 09
Torens 10
Torens 11

Press the circles together then let them dry.

Meanwhile cut strips in which you cut out squares.

Stick the strips around the circles and let dry.

The towers are ready so they can dry really well.

How to make the castle

Kasteel 01
Kasteel 02
Kasteel 03

Puk draws a drawbridge and a moat in front of the castle

The bridge must be drawn up in case an enemy approaches.

The draw bridge we cut out first.

Kasteel 04
Kasteel 05
Kasteel 06
Kasteel 7

Remove the back of the box and the three flaps on top.

Spread glue on the back, not on the flap.

Cut bricks paper to fit and stick it on.

Trace the front of the box on bricks paper.

Kasteel 08
Kasteel 09
Kasteel 10

Cut the paper to fit along the pencil lines.

Use a metal ruler and a Stanley Knife.

Put the paper in place and trace the bridge.

Kasteel 11
Kasteel 12
Kasteel 13
Kasteel 15

Cut out the bridge along the pencil line.

Spread glue on the front of the box.

Press the paper on, put something heavy on top and let dry.

Pick holes and stick string through bridge and wall.

Now the brigdge can go up or down. Stick windows on the front of the castle and colour the drawbridge.

Kasteel 16
Kasteel 17

Trace the top of the box on roof tiles paper.

Cut it out and stick it on top of the box.

How to make the a loose, pointed castle roof

Dak 01
Dak 02
Dak 03

Score a large piece of cardboard in three equal parts

Cut it the size of the length of the box.

Fold the sides upward and stick them together.

Dak 04
Dak 05
Dak 06
Dak 07

Try if the roof fits neatly, if not trim it to fit.

Measure the roof and cut the tile paper to fit.

Spread glue on the roof.

Stick the roof tile paper on the roof.

Allow the glue to dry really well!

Dak 08
Kasteel home
Trim overhanging edges of paper if necessary.

Stick a strip blue paper on the moat and the castle is ready!

Tomorrow we craft the knights and next week some things to put in the castle.