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A Normandy Pancake

is delicious!
Spring, With apples, and Pan Cakes
Normandy pancakes sidepic

Shopping list
3 free-range organic eggs
250 ml milk
1/2 tablespoon vanilla sugar
½ tablespoon of sunflower oil
80g pancake flour
a pinch of salt
75 grams butter, for baking
2 goldreinets
4 tablespoons of blond (candy) sugar

Normandy pancakes sidepicll

Normandy pancakes are filled with apple, and in France they are usually flambéed in Calvados. We forget the spirits for the pancake lunch with the mini monsters, we eat them plain. That way they taste delicious to everyone!

How to make Normandy pancakes

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Put eggs, milk and vanilla sugar into a bowl.

Sieve the pancake flour with the salt into the bowl.

Stir all the ingredients together into a smooth batter.

Set the batter aside and allow it to rest at least 30 minutes.

Cover the bowl with a moist tea towel

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Peel and core the apples.

Let a knob of butter melt.

Fry the apples in the butter.

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Fry until brown on both sides.

Add the batter to the apples.

Sprinkle with sugar and put on butter.

Turn the pan covered with a plate.

Allow the butter with the sugar to caramelize

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Slide the flipped pancake into the pan.

Repeat the caramelizing on the other side.

Flip the pancake once more.

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Normandy pancakes home

Slide the pancake onto a warm plate.

Eat the pancakes right away or keep them warm in the oven.