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An old fasioned meat ball

the best, made with Gran's recipe
Basic recipe, With fresh vegetables, Gran's recipes, and Minced meat
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Shopping list for 4 people
500g ground beef
1/2 teaspoon of sea salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ginger powder
1/2 teaspoon paprika powder
a small shallot, finely chopped
1 free range organic egg, small
3 rusks
40 grams of butter
1 shallot
200g mini plum tomatoes

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Today we eat meatballs like our gran made them. Why? Because they are the tastiest meatballs! We make them exactly as she did, luckily her recipes have been preserved. We're very fortunate to have them

How to make our Gran's meatballs
Place the ground beef in a large bowl
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Add the salt and the small egg to the ground beef.

Add the crumbled rusks to the ground beef as well.

Add the various spices.

Finely chop the shallot and add it.

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When all is in the bowl you knead it until combined.

Too dry, add some milk, to dry add a crumbled rusk.

Roll 4 neat balls from the ground beef.

How to cook the meat balls

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Let the butter colour and put in the meat balls.

Cut the onion and tomatoes inbetween.

When 1 side is brown turn the balls and add the onion.

Fry the other side brown too and fry the tomatoes a minute.

Wnen the meat balls are nicely browned on both sides you add 100 ml cold water

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Omas gehaktballen homepage

Cover the pan, place it on the lowest heat to simmer.

The meat balls will be cooked through in 20-25 minutes.

Check in between if there is still enough gravy in the pan, otherwise add just a little bit of water!