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A pattern for young knitters

how to knit something fun yourself
Waldorf crafts, Wool, Needlework, Knitting, and Learn while playing
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What do you need?
leftover knitting wool
knitting needles no. 3 or 4
a darning needle
a crochet hook

Last month we knitted gnomes for our mini monsters. At school the monsters are now learning to knit and they really enjoy it. But it is still difficult, so to practice at home we knit fun little things for the gnomes. The are made quickly, so that it does not take too long before the kids see results. The items can be played with straight away and the gnomes will be happy too :))

How to knit gnome things

Pick a fun colour, first we knit a gnome scarf

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Cast on 4 stitches.

Knit stitch, on both sides.

Knit until +/- 18 cm long.

Tie off neatly.

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Insert the threads into the sides.

Cut off the excess thread.

It is summer but when Winter comes...

How to tie off:    

  • slip 1 stitch off and knit the second stitch   
  • pass the slipped stitch over the knitted stitch
  • knit a new stitch and pass the old one over the new stitch
  • For the last stitch, pull the cut thread through the loop and pull the thread tight

Finished! Now you have knitted a nice ribbed scarf for your gnome
Knit stitching is going very well by now!

Now you can try something a little more difficult: a little bag!

You make the shoulder bag by knitting 1 needle and purling the next one
For the handle, crochet a small chain of chain stitches

You can also knit a scarf for the gnome girl and a back pack for the boy,
if you're up for it!

How to knit a shoulder bag

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Cast on 12 stitches, knit forward and purl back.

Continue until you have +/- 7cm and fold in half.

Sew the sides closed. (you or an adult).

Make a magic loop in a thread and fetch your crochet hook.

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Crochet a chain of 18.

Sew the chain onto the bag.

Our little gnome loves her new bag!

Knit a scarf for the gnome girl in the same way, by knitting 4 stitches forward and purling back

How to knit a backpack for the gnome boy

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Cast on 12 stitches.

Knit stitch forward, purl back.

Knit until you have 9-10  cm.

Neatly tie off.

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Cut the thread, pull it trough the final stitch.

Fold the bottom upwards.

Sew both the sides closed.

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Tuck the threads away and cut off.

Sew the flap on both the outsides,

Chrochet a chain of 12 stitches twice.

Sew the chaines on the back.

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Now the backpack fits on the gnomes back.

The backpack looks nice and can still stuff in it.

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As you can see, the gnomes are very happy with the hard work of the mini monsters!