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A Pumpkin Smoothie

is part of autumn
Autumn, With fresh fruit, Smoothie, and With fresh vegetables
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180g pure pumpkin puree
a pinch sea salt
1 tablespoon peeled and grated fresh ginger
1 frozen, peeled and sliced ripe banana
1 tablespoon maple syrup
a pinch ground cinnamon
240 ml whole milk

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A pumpkin smoothie is a delicious drink, a tasty and healthy fresh autumn drink we love to make. But we prefer to do it on a day in the weekend when we have plenty of time. It's not really a lot of work and it's done in no time. But ... you have to peel a pumpkin, deseed it and cut it into cubes. If you use store bought frozen pumpkin cubes for your smoothie, you don't have to, of course, but we think it is worth the work.

How to make a pumpkin smoothie

First we make the pumpkin puree

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Peel the pumpkin and then deseed it.

Cut the pumpkin flesh into cubes.

Add a pinch of sea salt to the pumpkin.

Bring it to the boil with some water.

Cook the cubes for 20-25 minutes or until soft, drain them and let cool

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Peel and grate a tablespoon fresh ginger.

Fetch the frozen banana.

Cut the banana into slices.

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Meanwhile the pumpkin has cooled.

Put the cubes in the blender.

Blitz the pumpkin into a puree.

Add the ginger to the puree.

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Add the banana as well.

Measure and add the maple syrup too.

Finally add the cinnamon and the milk.

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Blend it all together into a smooth drink.

The little monsters like to have some sugar cookies on the side.

The cookies disappear really quickly but they do not like the pumpkin smoothies very much, they prefer the mango-orange ones! ;))