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Moletown, a magnificent new book

by Torben Kuhlmann
Picture Book and Book without words
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Author/illustrator: Torben Kuhlmann
Original language: German
Translated by: Andrew Rushton
Published: September 2015
Publishers: North-South Books
ISBN13: 9780735842083
Price: £ 16.99
Age group: all ages

Moletown is the new book by Torben Kuhlmann and it is equally stunning and beautiful as his exceptional debut 'Lindbergh' (snazzie, October 8, 2014). Due to his detailed style of drawing Moletown is instantly recognizable as a Torben Kuhlmann book.

The moles build a city deep underground and if moles can do anything right, it's digging and building. The city is growing and growing, but is it still nice to live there? The story has depth, even though the book has almost no words. Very clever to make such a worthy successor to your debut.

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This time of year a beautiful picture book like Moletown is extra welcome! It can be a wonderful gift from Saint Nicolas, or maybe you find it under the Christmas tree ...

3 twinkling stars for for Moletown by Torben Kuhlmann, from all the snazzie readers, young and older!