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A Sinterklaas cheesecake

is quickly made!
Dutch, With Cheese, Sinterklaas, Pastry, and With whipped Cream
Sinterklaas cheescake sidepic

Shopping list
100g kruidnoten
45g butter butter
200 ml double cream
200 Mon Chou cheese
60g fine sugar
zest of ½ an orange
45 ml fresh orange juice
chocolates, smarties, sprinkles
50g kruidnoten

Sinterklaas cheescake sidepicll

A cheesecake that our mini-monsters love a lot is the orange cheesecake. With Sinterklaas on the way with his little orange apples we'll adapt the cheesecake a little. Such a simple recipe that is made so quickly comes in handy, in these busy days. But do start a day early then your cheesecake will set beautifully!

How to make the Sinterklaas Orange Cheesecake

Clamp baking paper in a spring form of 20 cm then scrub the orange thoroughly under the hot tap.

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Put the kruidnootjes in a zip-lock bag and beat them into crumbles.

Put the crumbles in a bowl and melt the butter on low heat.

Stir the melted butter firmly into to the crumbles.

Grase the spring form then spoon in the crumble mixture.

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Press the crumbs firmly in the spring form.

Grate and queeze the orange half.

Beat the cream with the sugar until stiff peaks appear.

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Add the cheese, zest and juice the mix it in quickly.

Spoon the cheese mixture onto the crumbles in the form.

Smoothe the top using the convex side of a wetted spoon.

Place the covered cheescake overnight in the fridge.

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Sinterklaas cheescake home

Renove the form from the cheesecake then decorate it.

We are ready for Sinterklaas now!