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A quick look

at the kitchen garden
Kitchen Garden, Waldorf crafts, Sowing and planting, Harvesting, and Learn while playing
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What grows in our vegetable garden?
carrots (failed)
cherry tomatoes
radishes (failed)
blueberries (season ended)
red currants (season ended)
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As you can see in the photo above on the left it started in March / April, with the sowing of the tomatoes. After the redesign of the vegetable garden - in May - the little plants were allowed to go outside. they grew very tall. But then the sun, the heat and the drought came and we dragged liters of water into the garden. The tomato plants had grown high but they did not look so good, as you can see in the picture on the right.

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The cucumber plant was struggeling with the heat.

But the raspberries matured quickly and in abundance.

Although the leaves on the bottom turned brown and fell.

There grew lots of cherry tomatoes on the plants.

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Because of the big bunches they're almost to heavy for the branches.

On the bottom branches the cherry tomatoes start to colour now.

The lantern-tomatoes are groing very well.

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But we have to wait a bit before they are ready for picking.

The grapes are doing fine, they are used to heat!

Now the occasional shower falls the garden is perking up already!