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An exciting journey

we're looking for Minecraft baddies
Info, Summer, and Vacation and Weekend Trips
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The Kralingse Bos, which Rotterdammer doesn't love it? From baby buggy to mobility scooter you will come across and everything and everyone in between. You see walkers, joggers, runners, skaters, cyclists, scooters and cars. And dogs, lots of dogs!

There are all kinds of restaurants, with terraces to eat poffertjes, ice creams, snacks, but also with entire menus. You can play, climb, swim (if you're lucky!) or visit the petting zoo and/or the Deer Place. You can have a picnic and a barbecue there or you can sunbathe on the beach.

The Kralingse Bos has something for everyone

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We come to this forest very often, but today we are on a mission. A few of the Minecraft baddies have been spotted in our Rotterdams Forest, so we have to act quickly, because attack is the best form of defence. So Puk brought his diamond sword, just in case we stuble onto the Death Seeker and his minions!

Puk explores the wooden fort, it's a good place to hide in, but it looks like it's empty. We look for left behind traces and we find them, but they are not from baddies, bunnies we think. Now we will have to go into the forest, we cant not give up the search!

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Then Puk finds a very special crystal, these crystals have special powers and only Minecraft baddies have them, like the Death Seeker. They must have lost it, a good thing we found it!

Along the way we do come across some beautiful things in the forest. Shrubs with beautiful red berries but Puk sees there have been berries picked, maybe the baddies were hungry! We also find plants with extremely big leaves, a very good place to hide behind.

Puk peers between the bushes but there is nothing else to do: we have to go back into the woods! We find all kinds of tracks there, Puk was right, We're going to follow the tracks and we'll see where we end up. That turns out to be on the road, but there are more tracks there. They lead us to the scaffolding...

These scaffoldings are very long, they run through the whole forest, we have to walk very far. Fortunately the weather is beautiful! Last time we walked here the wind almost blew us off. On land the wind was not too strong, but in the middle of the water it was! Then we were really glad that we came across dry!

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At the end of the jetties back on land, the tracks end. Where should we look now, luckily the baddies are gone. But Puk looks around, just to make sure and then he finds a little chest. It shines like gold and it looks like it's lost too.

When Puk opens it you don't believe your eyes, it is filled with gold and gem stones! It was an exciting afternoon, with a great reward at the end. Before we go home we go and eat poffertjes, at the Eekhoorn of course, those are the best!