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A sweater for Bear

you knit it from wool
Wool, Birthday, Needlework, and Knitting & crochet
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What do you need?
knitting needles
matching thickness knitting wool
large needle
piece of wool felt
needle and embroidery thread

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Our Bear is turning 10 and he's becoming a big boy! We are going to surprise him with a lovely birthday sweater for big bears. Today we are knitting his sweater. It is an easy pattern, and if you measure the cuddly toy you can make this sweater for almost any cuddly toy.

Knit in the rib stitch - 1 knit stitch then 1 purl stitch. Continue in the stockinette stitch - 1 row knit then 1 row purl. If your sweater is long enough, repeat the rib stitch and the first side (or the 1st panel) is ready. You can download the numbers.

How to knit a Birthday sweater for your pet toy

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Cast on 24 stitches onto your needle.

Knit 1 stitch, pearl 1 stitch, for 2 needles.

Then your border is ready and you knit on in knit stitch.

When the needle is finished you knit back in pearl stitch.

Now the border is done you knit on using the stockinette stich, it goes 1 needle knit stitch, 1 needle pearl and so on

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The stockinette stich: has ribs on the back.

Knit on until the sweater is long enough.

Knit 2 needles 1 knit stitch, 1 pearl stitch.

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Cast off the front.

Measure your knitting on your toy.

Knit the back in the same way.

Cut off the thread, and wind a ball.

After the body we knit the sleeves, the 2 sleeves you knit in the same time, on 1 needle

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Cast on 22 stitches times 2.

Knit 2 needles,1 knit stitch - 1 pearl stitch.

Now kni 1 needle knit, 1 needle pearl.

When the sleeves are long enough you cast them both off, without a border

How to make the front fun

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Pin the pattern on felt.

Cut out the numbers.

Pin the numbers on the front.

Sew them on with a running stitch.

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Pin an sew the sweater together using backstitches.

The sweater is ready and Bear is very happy with it.

The sweater does look very cool on him, Have lots of fun on your birthday Bear!