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A vegetarian quiche

with aubergine and cheese
Spring, Main Courses, With Cheese, With fresh vegetables, and Vegetarian
Aubergine quiche sidepic

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1 roll puff pastry
butter, for greasing
2 egg plants
1 clove garlic
freshly ground pepper and sea salt
2 bell peppers and 1 large onion
(sun-dried) tomatoes, to taste
100 grams Pecorino Romano, grated
3 free range organic eggs
2 tablespoons milk or sour cream
1 ball Mozzarella
olive oil, to tast

Aubergine quiche homepage

Today we are making a vegetarian quiche with eggplant and 2 types of cheese. Easy to make, because we use ready-made puff pastry, after all it is the weekend! Healthy and very tasty, we couldn't wish for more.

How to make an eggplant quiche


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Wash and dry all the vegetables, cut the tomatoes in half.

Cut the eggplant into 1cm thick slices.

Place olive oil, garlic and seesalt and pepper in a bowl.

Coat the eggplant with the olive oil mixture.

Allow the eggplant to marinate a while, meanwhile prepare the baking form

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Brush some butter into the baking form.

Roll out the puff pastry, place it in the form.

Cut off excess pastry and prick holes.

Use the pastry trimmings to repair the quiche with, where you miss little bits of dough

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Fry the eggplant on a hot grill.

Fry dark brown stripes on both sides.

Grill the bell pepper strips and the onion rings.

Grate the pecorino cheese coarsly.

Preheat the oven to 200°C and place a rack in the center of the oven

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Fill the baking for with the vegg.

Break 3 eggs in a bowl and beat until frothy.

Gently stir in the grated cheese.

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Pour the egg mixture iover the vegetables.

Divide the mozzarella over the quiche.

Drizzle the quiche with olive oil, to taste.

Bake the quiche for approximately. 30 minutes.

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Allow the quiche to cool a little in the baking form.

Serve the quiche hot with a green salad on the side.
