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A Weather Mobile

can be homemade
Waldorf crafts, Wool Felt, Present, Sewing, and Needlework
Weermobiel sidepic

What do you need?
felt, the colours of the rainbow
felt, white, grey, yellow, light blue
a pair of scissors
pinking shears
matching colours sewing thread
wool filling
cotton thread

Weermobiel sidepicll

Today we will start making a mobile with felt figures. It's a present for a child, we choose ithe weather for the figures. We'll make a rainbow and four weather types, fun! We sew with the backstitch, the blanket stitch and the rainbow we sew together overhand. Next week we will make the hanging system, with wood.

How to make the weather mobile

  • Download our pattern and print it or draw it yourself and cut out all the parts
  • cut out the 'sun rays' only once, using pinking shears to make the 'rays'
Weermobiel 01
Weermobiel 02
Weermobiel 03
Weermobiel 04

Pin the patterns onto the felt.

Cut out all of the parts.

Pin on again and cut out too.

Now you have two parts of all.

Only the sun has three parts, we start by making the sun

Weermobiel 05
Weermobiel 06
Weermobiel 07

Stitch the sun on the sun rays.

Leave an opening and fill up the sun.

Close the gap and repeat on the back.

The sun is now ready and so are the back stitches, we continue sewing using the blanket stitch

Weermobiel 08
Weermobiel 09
Weermobiel 09
Weermobiel 11

Sew the cloud, rain and lightning.

Fill up and close them.

Pin the rainbow parts onto felt.

Cut out the parts and repeat.

Every colour now has two parts, pin the cut out parts neatly together

Weermobiel 11
Weermobiel 13
Weermobiel 14

Sew with little, sturdy blanket stitches.

Sew the long rainbow parts to halfway up.

Fill up, sew on, fill up again and close.

Weermobiel 15
Weermobiel 16

The short rainbow parts can be filled in one go.

Stitch the loose parts of the rainbow together.

Finally, sew the two smallest clouds at the bottom of the rainbow

All the figures have been made, next week we will show you how the make the hanging part of the mobile, from wood!