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Fairy furniture

is quickly made
Cutting & Pasting, Waldorf crafts, Spring, Painting, Autumn, Woodworking, and Wood
Elf seats sidepic

What do you need?
a piece of round wood
saw and miter box
sand paper
crafting wood slices
Bison contact glue
red and white acrylic paint
a paint brush
small piece of MDF
few branches / twigs

Elf furniture home

Fairies will sit everywhere, they are not that difficult, everyone knows. They perch on the tree branches and they sit on the moss. But when they see our beautiful homemade table with the matching mushrooms, we know what they choose!

How to make Elf furniture

Elf seats 01
Elf seats 02
Elf seats 03
Elf seats 04

Saw off pieces of wood of 2cm.

Paint them white and let dry.

Paint the wood slices white.

Paint the other side red.

Allow the paint to dry completely

Elf seats 05
Elf seats 06
Elf seats 07

Pint the stems on 1 side and the edge of the hat.

Draw with pencil stripes on the white side of the hat.

Stick the hats on the mushrooms and let the glue dry.

Elf seats 08
Elf seats 09

Paint white dots on the mushrooms, using a mold.

De seats are ready now, how to make the table:

Elf table 01
Elf table 02
Elf table 03
Elf table 04

A piece of MDF, some twigs and glue is waht you need.

With pencil and ruler you mark 7 cm on the branches.

Use the saw and mitre box so you can fasten the round wood.

Saw off four pieces of wood, for the table top.

Elf table 05
Elf table 06
Elf table 07

Saw four pieces of 3cm each for the table legs.

Cut off a piece of MDF, within the table top.

Now you have all the parts.

We stick the table together using contact glue, which is quite difficult with round parts. But it can't go wrong if you do it like this:

  • coat both sides that should join together with glue
  • wait a few minutes and then press them firmly together or against each other
  • use glue clamps where possible and allow the glue to dry completely, preferably overnight
Elf table 08
Elf table 09
Elf table 10
Elf table 11

Put glue on the top and brush it out.

Press on the pieces, with glue in between.

Press all the parts firmly on and together.

Put the table top between two pieces of wood.

Elf table 12
Elf table 13
Elf table 14

Allow the glue to dry thoroughly overnight.

Stick the legs on in the same way.

Put something heavy on top while the glue dries.

Have fun with the furniture!