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A Summer Crudite Platter

we cozily eat outside
Waldorf recipes, Summer, With fresh fruit, With fresh vegetables, and Picnic Dishes
Summer crudite platter sidepic

For instance: Egg salad
3 free range organic eggs,
pickles, spring onions,
mayonnaise, freshly ground pepper,
sea salt and chives
mixed lettuce or lamb's lettuce, cucumber,
cherry tomatoes, carrots, beetroots
watermelon, Galia melon, mango,
nectarines, strawberries, cherries, berries
nuts, bread, crackers
cheese, raw ham, salami

Summer crudite platter sidepicll

We like raw (summer) vegetables, fruit and self-service, that's why the crudité platter is perfect for us. For the St John's Day picnic in June we made one but now there are even more delicious fruits. Almost everything that goes on the board is a favorite of our mini monsters. We leisurely eat outside today!

Here is how you make this crudité board

Start with the mini croissants
Preheat the oven to 200°C / 180°C Fan

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Cut off the croissants.

Roll up the croissants.

Brush on beaten egg.

Bake the croissants for 10 minutes.

In the meantime, start cleaning and cutting the fruit

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Cut the watermelon into slices.

Refrigerate the watermelon.

Peel and cut the Galia melon.

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The croissants are ready!

Cut the mango into cubes.

Add the nectarines too.

Rinse the cherries.

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Pit the cherries.

Place the fruit in a bowl.

Rinse the red currants.

Sprinkle the red currants on top.

Cover the bowl with cling film and put the fruit in the fridge

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Wash and shred the lettuce.

Wash and scrape the carrots.

Wash and cut the cucumber into slices.

Place the veg in the refrigerator and make the egg salad

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Boil the eggs for 8 minutes.

Cut the pickles and onion.

Put both in a medium bowl

Peel the cold eggs.

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Chop the eggs into pieces.

Mix the eggs with pepper, sea salt and mayonnaise.

Place the salad in the refrigerator.

Keep the prepared fruit, vegetables and salads in the fridge until just before eating

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Summer crudite platter home

Then put everything on a platter, the salads last.

It looks so pretty and very yummie!

Happy summer everyone!