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In Egypt

How the kids lived series
Reading Book, History, Mythology, and informative and educational
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In Egypt
Author: Viviane Koenig
Series: How childeren lived back then
Original language: French
Translated into English: not
Published:June 2005
Publishers: Davidsfonds / Infodok
ISBN13: 9789076830551
Price: € 13.50
Age: 9 - 12 jaar

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We are reading the book Toen leefden kinderen zo - In Egypte (When children lived like this - In Egypt), by Viviane Koenig. The book describes what the daily life of children in ancient Egypt looked like.

The short chapters are generously illustrated with photos, like images of these children, toys and clothing. These are heirlooms from museums all over the world. The book is a great introduction to the antiquity for young children and they really like the book.

Egypt 01
Egypt 02
Egypt 03

Also good to know, in the series How children lived, 3 more books have been published, In de Prehistorie, Bij de Gallo-Romeinen and Bij de Indianen (in North America).

3 unique beautiful stars for the series Zo leefden kinderen, from the snazzie readers and the young listeners!