Ei moet uit (egg must come out)
Author: Mariken Jongman
Illustrator: Marieke ten Berge
Original language: Dutch
Translated by: not
Published: March 2021
Publisher: Lemniscaat B.V.
EAN: 9789047708971
Price: €14.99 (HC)
Age: 4 years old and up
Ei moet uit (Egg must come out) is an imaginative story by Mariken Jongman, which is told in not too many words. We know Mariken already, from her previous books. After the reading of the book we had a long conversation about how that egg came to be in the cold snow.
The beautiful illustrations by Marieke ten Berge more than make up for that. You see them, even before you open the book! The little monsters love our new book and so do we too!
3 bright shining stars for Ei moet uit, from the little listeners and the out-loud readers!