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Tomato harvest!

Kitchen Garden, Info, and Harvesting
Tomatoes side

The kitchen garden

What do we harvest in September?
mini cucumbers
bell peppers

Tomatenoogst sidepicll

Sowing tomatoes in April and then wait until you can pick them in August is not easy for our mini-monsters. It's nice that inspections take place every day, do the tomatoes grow well?

The plants need water and when the flowers come out we remove the lower leaves. As a result the plant can spend all the energy on growing tomatoes and when the small tomatoes appear, the waiting begins.

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Then, end of July, the tomatoes are finally big, can we pick them now? No, the tomatoes must still turn red. Discussion arises: could we have planted green tomatoes? No, the bag of the seed is proof. Then we see some tomatoes turning slightly orange, the tomatoes that grow on top of the plants. A few days later we have three ripe tomatoes and they are beautiful!

Time to remove some leaves so the tomatoes are exposed to optimal sunshine. With picking off leaves three unripe tomatoes came off the plants. Thankfully tomatoes ripe in the window sill as well, in a sunny spot.

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Raspberries 11
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The bell peppers and cucumbers grow merrily bigger, soon we can harvest plenty of both. Ripe raspberries we pick every day, we save them for a few days until we have filled a little bowl. If you do not want to eat them right away you can also freeze them really well and save them up, to later make raspberry jam or jelly.

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Funny, we also meet various garden residents while harvesting! The first creature is a search and find puzzle, but the second one? You can't ignore that!