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Egg Pots on bed

from the oven, for Mum
Breakfast, British, With egg, With fresh vegetables, and Mother's Day
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Shopping list for 2
2 slices of casselerrib or ham
a handful of spinach
¼ teaspoon of cornstarch
1 tablespoon of water
4 - 6 mini tomatoes, halved
2 free range Organic eggs
sea salt & freshly ground pepper
grated cheese, to taste
toasted bread soldiers

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Today is Mothers Day in Holland so we make Mum a nice breakfast. This eggpot is quick, simpel and healthy, excellent for a festive breakfast. Especially if we toast bread and cut it into soldiers. Our selfmade presents on the side and a guaranteed succes!

How to make the eggpots

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Shrink the spinach in 5 minutes.

Drain it well.

Place the ham in the ramekins.

Stir a paste of cornstarch and water.

Stir the paste into the spinach and put the spinach on top of the ham.

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Put the halved tomatoes on top.

Crack the eggs into the pots.

Season with sea salt and pepper.

Sprinkle the grated cheese on the eggs, it can be any cheese that melts well, young matured Gouda, mozzarella or cheddar cheese or a combination of these.
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Place the pots for for 10 - 15 minutes in the oven.

It depends on how you like your eggs.

Do not forget your presents and Happy Mothers Day, have a lot of fun!