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Engeltjes van koek sidepic

Shopping list
75g soft butter
75g caster sugar
1/2 small free-range organic egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
150g (Zeeland) flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
icing sugar, for sprinkling
white fondant icing and various other colours   

Engeltjes van koek sidepicll

We bake angels for Candlemas, they bring the light back to earth after the dark months. The first snowdrops are blooming in the garden, that makes us so happy. It stays light a little longer in the afternoon and when we walk to school in the morning it is also a little lighter. Great, spring is coming next month!

How to bake little angels

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Mix butter and sugar creamy.

Beat the egg.

Add half of it to the butter mixture.

Mix in the vanilla extract.

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Sift in flour and baking powder.

Fold the flour into the butter mixture.

Knead the dough briefly by hand.

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Wrap it in beeswax cloth and place in the fridge for app. 1 hour.

Roll out the dough to 1 cm thickness.

Cut angels out of the dough.

Place the biscuits on a baking tray covered in waxed paper.

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Place the tray 1 hour in the refrigerator.

Preheat the oven to 175°C

Bake the biscuits in 10-12 minutes lightly brown.

While the biscuits cool comepletely stick out the fondant

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Stick the fondant on the biscuits with a drop of water.

The angels are (almost) to sweet to eat ;))

We wish you a beautiful Candlemas!