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A foal has been born!

We're going to Schieveen Farm
Info and Vacation and Weekend Trips
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Belevenisboerderij Schieveen
Oude Bovendijk 220
3046 NL Rotterdam

More information:

W: Belevenisboerderij Schieveen

E: info@belevenisboerderij.nl

Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays

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Today we go to Experience farm Schieveen, we stay close to home. Even though we live in a large city for the Netherlands, the farm is in a beautiful spot on the outskirts of Rotterdam, so you are really outside in nature.

Kids can do many things they like here! Play in the water garden, take a horse ride, climb and scramble in the hay maze or go to see the butterfly garden. Whatever they do, they enjoy playing outside!

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If you drive into the yard from the dike you will see a sweet old farmhouse and on the other side a beautiful tree. This is where people who come by bicycle can park. A little further you can park the car, if you come from further away. If you look around you see meadows with sheep, lambs and horses. But also lots of wild flowers, the area here is very beautiful!

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For our little monsters, a visit to the farm animals is the highlight. They can pet the animals, feed them and give the lambs a bottle. You can buy the bottle or feed in the restaurant. On Insta we saw that a beautiful foal was born and that is an extra attraction! We first look at the cows, pigs, sheep, goats and lambs. We wait until it is not so busy at the stable with the foal.

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Then we stand in front of the stable and mother horse steps right in front of her foal. She is very protective. The monsters like that very much, the mother protects her child. The foal is named Beertje and she is curious! She comes close to the fence, to look at the children. She is beautiful and very sweet!

Then the mini-monsters play in the hay maze and after that in the water garden. You can't see it in the picture's but today it is very busy here! It's still Spring Break. Puk finds an empty path behind a bush, where you can walk through the grass on your muddy bare feet. You walk along a ditch and can look far over the empty, green land.

What a beautiful view for a city child!