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Ergolavi (almond biscuits)

The 2nd EU recipe is from Cyprus
With nuts, Europese, and Biscuits
Ergolavi cyprus side

Shopping list for 24 biscuits
200g almond flour
80g caster sugar
zest from 1 orange
50g icing sugar
2 free range egg whites
a teaspoon almond essence
50g slivered almonds

Ergolavi cyprus side ll

Here's the second recipe already, it's biscuits this time. For these lovely sweet almond biscuits we have to travel to Cyprus or we bake them ourselves, in our Dutch kitchen. Is fun too!

Here's how to make Ergolavi

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Stir flour and sugar until combined.

Zest the scrubbed orange.

Stir in the orange zest and the icing sugar.

Separate the whites from the yolks.

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Add the egg whites to the flour mix.

Add the essence to the mixture too.

Mix all ingredients quickly into a sticky paste.

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.

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Roll balls (walnutsize) into a cylinder, then bend a crescent.

Chop the almond slivers coarse.

Roll the biscuit crescents in the chopped almonds.

Place the biscuits on parchment on the baking tray.

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Ergolavi cyprus home

Bake the biscuits in 15 minutes very light brown.

Let the biscuits cool on the parchment on a wire rack.

Tomorrow we go to Bulgaria!