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and The theory of Evolution
Biology, Reading Book, Evolution, Science, and informative and educational
Kaas sidepic

Kaas en de evolutietheorie
Author/Illustrator: Bas Haring
Original language: Dutch
Translated in English: not
Published: January 2001
publisher: Houtekiet
ISBN13: 9789052406008
Price: € € 9.99 (paperback)
Age: 11 years and up

Kaas sidepicll

We recently happened to find the book 'Kaas en de evolutietheorie' by Bas Haring. Always curious about a unknown book we were immidiately captivated by the loose way in which Bas Haring explains difficult stuff. Also, a Dutch book from 2001, which 16 years later still is continuesly reprinted and has been translated into German, Spanish, Norwegian and Chinese (sadly not available in English translation). How special is that? We just pay for it and take it home, to our mini-monsters ;))

Kaas 01
Kaas 02
Kaas 03
Kaas 04

Guess what? This children's book is the most popular book by this author and we understand why. In a simple, fun way the most difficult questions about life and evolution are explained to children from 11 years and up. The book reads fluently and is easily understood by a young audience

Although 'Cheese ... ' is written for children, many parents will also read the book with pleasure, evolution remains an interesting topic. The book will also establish discussions with the kids, for the controversy over Darwinian evolution is still unabated.

Bas Haring certainly has done a brilliant job writing this book. He became winner Golden Owl Youth Literature 2002 - Winner German Prize for the Best Book of Sciences - Winner Eureka!, 2002 prize for the best and the most beautiful book in the field of science and knowledge - Flag and Pennant, GriffelJury 2002 - with it.
Too bad this book is not translated into English.

Three brilliant sparkling stars for Kaas en de Evolutietheorie! (Cheese and the Theory of Evolution)