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with halloumi
With Cheese, Picnic Dishes, Snacks, Street Food, and Vegetarian
Halloumi falafel sidepic
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400g chickpeas, jar or tin
1 small red onion
3 tablespoons flour
2 cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon cumin, powder
1 teaspoon coriander, powder
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon see salt, or to taste
50g halloumi, cubed
vegetable oil, for deep frying
Tahini dip: tahini, lemon juice, garlic
Halloumi falafel sidepicll

The Falafel was declared the national dish of Israël after the Second World War, which the Palestinians dispute as this originally Middle Eastern dish comes probably from the Copts, in Egypt.

Today the Falafel is eaten throughout Europe as Street Food, a vegetarian snack but you can also easily make it yourself.

How to make Falafel

Heat the vegetable oil to 180°C

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Rinse the chickpeas well then drain them on kitchen paper.

Put the chickpeas, onion and the salt in the blender.

Add the flour, the baking powder, cumin and coriander.

Blitz until the mixture forms a ball, the shorter the crustier.

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Roll a ball of dough in your palm, flatten it.

Place the cheese on then form a ball.

Deep fry the Falafel 4 - 5 minutes

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Halloumi falafel home

When golden brown and crispy let the Falafel drain on kitchen paper.

Serve the Falafel with a mixed green salad (rechtstreex) and tahini dip.