Feest je met ons mee?
Author/Illustrator: Kathleen Amant
Original language: Dutch
Tranlated into English: not
Published: September 2015
Publisher: Clavis Publishers
EAN : 9789044825503
Price: € 12.95 (HC)
Age: from 3 years old and up
This sturdy picture board book is filled with happyl pictures of children who are celebrating. You will find Carnival, Easter, Sinterklaas and Christmas in this book, but also Divali, Chinese New Year, Holi and Eid al-Fitr, among others. Beautiful celebrations that are certainly not unknown to children who live in Rotterdam! (Not available in English)
2 happily shining stars for Feest je met ons mee? (Will you celebrate with us?), from our smallest listeners and the readers!