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Flamingo's on the beach

recycle a can
Cutting & Pasting, Animal Crafts, and Recycling
Recycled flamingos side

What do you need?
1 empty can
foam sheets in soft colours
strong hobby glue or a glue gun
piece of cardboard
glitter glue
black and orange felt pen

Recycled flamingos home

How to make a flamingo's on the beach can

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Download the flamingo's, cut out, trace on foam, cut out.

Cut out body and leggs seperately, repeat it from foam.

Cut off  a strip of foam, it needs to be the height of the tin.

The strip should fit around the can, cut the length to fit too.

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Spread strong hobby glue onto the foam.

Spread the glue with a piece of cardboard.

Press the foam tight around the can.

Roll the can a few times firmly on your table, to and fro, then clip clothes pegs on the edges while the glue dries to make the foam stick.

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Cut off the overlapping foam.

Cut out a wavy coast line from tan foam.

Glue on the beach, trace the coast line with glitter glue.

Trace the cardboard flamingo's on pink foam.

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Cut the flamingo bodies out of foam.

Draw and cut out leggs, straight and bend.

Stick the flamingo's onto the can, let it dry.

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Stick feather tails on the birds.

Colour the top of the beak black.

Also draw eyes on the birds.

Colour beaks and wings orange.

Decorate the can with glitter glue. We hope you are inspired to make your can special and unique, we can't wait!