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Go on a scavenger hunt at Trompenburg Gardens

with your vakantiepaspoort
Info, Vacation and Weekend Trips, and Learn while playing
Trompenburg tuinen sidepic

Trompenburg Tuinen
Honingerdijk 86 (beneden)
3062 NX Rotterdam

Tel: 010 – 233 01 66
E-mail: tuin@trompenburg.nl

Entrance fees
     Day ticket adult € 11,-
     Young people aged 13 to 25 € 5.75
     Children 5 to 12 years € 2.00
     Children 0 to 4 years free
Free entrance with the Rotterdam pass

Trompenburg 01

During the summer holidays you can do a fun scavenger hunt at Trompenburg Tuinen, up to and including August 20. We participate every year, with the monsters who are not on vacation and we are participating again this year! Our first assignment is a sort of Bingo card, you have to look around for leaves, trees, flowers and birds.

There are various assignments that you have to do and then you get a good lookaround the garden at the same time. That's not a bore because the garden is really beautiful! And, also much fun, there are not only trees, shrubs and flowers to see in the garden. You will also encounter all kinds of animals!


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There are always herons near the streams and ponds, looking for a tasty little fish. There are sheep in the meadow, there are beehives and the most beautiful, large Koi carp, in various colours swim under the bridges. You have to look closely, because they like to hide under the water lily leaves.
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Everywhere you go you see the most beautiful flowers blooming, but we are on an expedition and have assignments to do! We follow a trail and walk over thin beams, even over a small ditch!

Later on we make a large fantasy animal from large and smaller tree branches (we give our animal antennae and wings, no picture because you should make your own fatasy). We investigate and decipher a code hanging in the trees and that's really a bit of a puzzle.

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Trompenburg tuinen 13

Then suddenly the rain pours down from the sky, it's a good time to run to the Tea House! We can use a lovely hot cup of tea, with a treat. And the treats are delicious here!

We skip assignment 4, because of the downpour it has become a big mud pool there. Very unfortunate, but unfortunately you cannot walk barefoot on the special sensory path. We answer the questions with our brain instead of with our feet. Now we have done all the assignments and puzzled together the searched word.

Even though the weather was very unstable, we did all the assignments and puzzled the missing word.

We can turn in our scavenger hunt and we all had lots of fun this morning!