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Gedichten waar je wat aan hebt

for parents and kids
Dutch language, Picture Book, and Poetry and rhymes
Wat moet je doen als home

Wat je moet doen als je over een nijlpaard struikelt
Author: Edward van de Vendel
Illustrator: Martijn van der Linden
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English by: not
Published: July 2019
Publishers: Querido
ISBN13: 9789045122267
Price: € 17.99 (HC)
Age: 9 years and up

The new book by Edward van de Vendel and Martijn van der Linden has no short name: What to do when you stumble across a hippo. The drawings on the front and back of the book are super strong and beautiful, the poems brilliant and witty.

What a great book again! We have known since Stem op de Okapi that the collaboration of these gentlemen has yielded a great result. Together they are unbeatable, the proof is in their new book. Regrettably the book is not available in English (yet)
Wat moet je doen als 01
Wat moet je doen als 02
Wat moet je doen als 03
Poems that are useful to you? Certainly! Our young listeners as well as our readers big and smaller agree wholeheartedly, as are the out-loud-readers. Our English readers would agree too, if the book would be translated, they live in hope!
3+ radiant stars for What you should do if you trip over a hippo, from the young listeners and the readers!