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Geef een boek cadeau 2018

it is Ronja, de Roversdochter
Dutch language, Reading Book, and Give a Child a Book promotion

Geef een boek cadeau (Give a book as a gift ) is a wonderful Dutch - Belgian campaign to get more children to read. Every year, a classic youth book is chosen, which is available in bookstores for a small price.

The choice for 2018 fell on the wonderful book Ronja de Rovers dochter by Astrid Lindgren which is available as of today. We think that's a great idea, everyone here at snazzie loves to read.

Geef een boek cadeau

Ronja de roversdochterAuthor: Astrid Lindgren
Illustrator: Ilon Wikland
Original language: Swedish
Translated by: Rita Törnquist-Verschuur
Published: 01-02-2018
Publisher: St. Geef mij maar een boek
ISBN13: 9789021674902
Price: € 2.00 (paperback)
Age: 10 years and up

You can give the book as a gift to your child or to another child you know.  But you can also donate books to children you don't know but who may not have books at home. You can read how to do that on the Geef een boek cadeau website. We think it's a great campaign and are happy to contribute to it. You too?

3 glowing shining stars for the Geef een boek cadeau (Give A Book as a Gift) campaign!