Give a bookshelf as a gift
How much does the bookshelf cost?
The shelf costs 4.99 euros
Where can you order the book shelf?
At your local bookstore
What else do you need:
A cross screwdriver
a paint brush
Last year we bought the bookshelves from the Give A (picture) Book gift promotion. We love the idea of the promotion because the thought behind it is that finally every child in the Netherlands will have their own bookshelf. That shelf could be filled with the fun (picture) books from the promotion, if you like,
Because every year in February the GEBC releases a great book and in May a fun picture book follows, for a very small price. And if you would like to and you can spare a little extra cash, you can also donate books for other children. So the mini-monsters learn to help out others and we also make our own unique book shelf. Tomorrow Mees Kees is available in all the bookstores
The bookshelves have arrived.
Extensive information is included.
Hooks and screws are incuded.
The little monsters start immediately.
They mix their own colours they like.
And then they start painting neatly!
You screw your bookshelf quickly together.
Now your bookshelf is ready to be filled.
Decorating will have to wait a little longer (hopefully not another year) because the little monsters are now playing so the enthusiasm is gone
Hang your bookshelf on the wall or put it in a nice spot an have fun with it!