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Give a child a picture book 2020

Woeste Willem is on June 12 in the bookstore
Dutch language, Picture Book, Funny, and Give a Child a Book promotion

The title of the annual picture book of the Geef een prentenboek cadeau (Give a child a picture book) campaign has been announced! The chosen book of 2020 is Woeste Willem, by Ingrid and Dieter Schubert. Many Dutch and Flemish children will be happy with this book. You will gradually read in this funny book that the bad-tempered pirate Woeste Willem actually has a big heart.

Gepbc woeste willem 2020

Woeste Willem
Author: Ingrid & Dieter Schubert
Illustrators: Ingrid & Dieter Schubert
Original language: Dutch
Published: 12-06-2020
Publisher: Lemniscaat
Price: € 2.50
Age: 4 years and up

The annual big question comes up again, to whom do you give this picture book? We don't have to think long about it, we don't care to whom. To children who will be happy with it because they like to read, that's what it's about for us.

The more children in the Netherlands and Flanders are reached by this great action, the better it is. Just look at the videos! We are happy to participate in that and we hope you do as well!

3 sparkling stars for the action Give a Picture Book as a gift!