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Geef mij maar een boek 2017

Achtste-groepers huilen niet
Reading Book

It's time again for the annual Geef mij maar een boek campaign. For those who don't know it yet: during this campaign you can buy a beautiful book for only 2.00 euros!

This year, Jaques Vriens' book Eighth graders don't cry has been chosen as the book of the campaign. A beloved book by many primary school children, which won the Prize of the Dutch Children's Jury in 2000. That says enough, we think.

Geef mij maar een boek 2017

Maybe you get the book at school or if not run to the bookstore, this beautiful book only costs 1.00 euros. And then,,, have a wonderful read!

3 brightly shining stars for Achtste groepers huilen niet and the Geef mij maar een boek campaign!