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Filled Speculaas Biscuits

homemade are the best
Dutch, Waldorf recipes, Winter, Sinterklaas, Biscuits, and Celebrations around the World
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200g self-raising flour
150g light brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon gingerbread spices
100g cold butter
1 free-range organic egg yolk
1-2 tablespoons milk
almond paste
1 free-range organic egg, beaten
some almonds, for decoration

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It is not Sinterklaas without filled speculaas! ;)) That rhymes and it is true, there are Sinterklaas traditions we would gladly like to keep. Speculaas is certainly one of them and today we bake it ourselves again. Tasty and cosy, we also make the almond paste to fill it with, because nothing beats homemade!

How to make filled speculaas biscuits

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Weigh flour, sugar, salt and speculaas spices.

Sift it all together into a big bowl.

Add the cold butter then cut it with 2 knives.

When it turns into large crumbs then knead it by hand.

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Add the egg yolk and knead.

Add the milk and knead it in again.

Knead until you have a smooth dough.

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Wrap the dough in cling film.

Place the speculaas dough overnigt in the fridge.

By allowing the dough to rest overnigt the different flavours can blend realyy well

Day 2

Preheat the oven to 160℃ and grease the baking form

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Roll the speculaas dough.

Cut out slightly bigger dough circles.

Push the dough circles into the holes.

Fill the biscuits with almond paste.

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Cut out fitting circles.

Stick the lids with some egg on the biscuits.

Press an almond on each biscuit.

Brush beaten egg yolk on the biscuits, slide them into the middle of the oven and bake for 15 - 20 minutes

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Allow the speculaas to cool in the tin first, then on a wire rack.

Let Sinterklaas come quickly, we have speculaas cookies!