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Gezocht: de hamer van Sint-Maarten

the real story
Dutch language, Reading Book, Waldorf Books, History, Celebrations around the World, and informative and educational
Gezocht de hamer van sint maarten homepage

Gezocht: De hamer van Sint Maarten
(Wanted: The hammer of Saint Martin)

Author: Charlotte Gispen
Co-author: Willem Hendrik Gispen
Illustrator: Charles van den Broek
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: not
Published: November 2014
Publisher: B for Books Distribution
ISBN13: 9789079399604
Price: €8.45 (paperback)
Age: approximately 10 years and up

Gezocht de hamer van sint maarten sidepic

We also found a Sint Maarten book for our older monsters and it turns out that Sint Maarten is not about lanterns and parades. Sint Maarten is not a party but a day of remembrance for a man who lived a long time ago and who did a lot of good. But just like the children in the book, our mini monsters don't know who Sint Maarten was and what good he did. It's high time to find out!

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In the book, the class goes on a quest devised by the teacher, looking for the hammer of Sint Maarten. In addition to an original story, you also read (dosed) history, of Utrecht in particular,

3 stars for Gezocht: de hamer van Sint Maarten (Wanted: the hammer of Saint Martin), from the readers and the listeners!