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Healthy monsters

For Halloween
Birthday, With chocolate, Halloween, With fresh fruit, and Treat
Gezonde monstertjes sidepic

Shopping list
Galia melon
or any other fruit
1 small carrot
a small piece dark chocolate
wooden sticks

Gezonde monstertjes home

There is still plenty of fresh summer fruit in the shops to make these these funny monsters with, for Halloween. We just need a carrot and a piece of dark chocolate. Tasty and healthy, the mini-monsters are already coming to see if there is something to munch here. Yes there is!

How to make the fruit monsters

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Cut balls from the melons

Peel the carrot, cut into matches.

Clean all the fruit.

Tread it on the sticks.

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Melt the chocolate au bain marie.

Make eyes using a pricker.

Give the monsters different faces.

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Allow the chocolate to harden in the fridge.

We should make more already ...

Happy Halloween!