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Gluten free?

bake a Dutch apple pie or two!
With apples, Gluten Free, Lactose Free, and Cakes
Glutenvrij appeltaartje sidepic
Shopping list
of white caster sugar
175g of butter or
vegetable margarine
1 free-range egg, whipped
250g gluten-free self-rising flour
a pinch of salt
gluten-free custard powder, to dust

1000g of apples, Elstar or Golden delicious
2 tablespoons of
1 tablespoon of cinnamon
50g of raisins
whipped cream
Glutenvrij appeltaartje sidepicll

Because our smallest mini-monster has a gluten and a lactose allergy, we bake two small gluten free apple pies instead of one large one. He also can't have whipped cream. We use a sweeter apple - even though there are golden reinets in season - especially for the kids :)


How to make a gluten free Dutch Apple Pie

Use one spring form of 24cm or 2 of 12cm

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Mix the butter with the sugar creamy.

Mix in 2/3 of the whisked egg.

Sift the gluten free flour with the salt.

Add flour to the butter mixture.

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Mix until a cohesive dough forms.

Roll the dough in cling film.

Place the dough in the fridge.

Allow the dough to rest in the fridge for 30 minutes.

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Soak the raisins for 15 minutes in warm water then drain them well.

Brush the spring forms with butter or vegetable margarine.

Peel and core the appels then slice them thinly.

Mix the apple slices with the sugar, the cinnamon and the raisins, then put it aside for now.

Preheat the oven to 180°C

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Roll the dough to 2cm thickness.

Cut out a circle.

Press the circle into the form.

Sprinkle on custard powder.

Do mind, gluten free dough breaks quicker than dough with gluten!

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Press the apple mixture in the spring form.

Cut long strips from the remaining dough.

Press the dough strips onto the apple pie.

Brush the dough strips with the remaining whisked egg.

Place the springform (s) in the middle of the oven then bake the apple pie (s) in +/- 45 minutes golden brown and cooked.

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Allow the Apple Pie to cool completely in the spring form.

Lovely with coffee and tea!

The Apple Pie without gluten looks lovely, more or less how it should look, it smells very good too. The taste is fine but unfortunately the crust of the pie is (just like the bread we baked) very crumbly. Luckily kids do not mind at all, the all eat the pie, without gluten and they just looove the Apple Pie! We're happy :D