Sketos, pure Greek coffee
1 cup of water
2 teaspoons Greek coffee
Glycos, sweet
1 cup of water
3 teaspoons sugar
2 teaspoons Greek coffee
Metrios, semi-sweet
1 cup of water
2 teaspoons sugar
3 teaspoons Greek coffee
If you order ελληνικός καφές (Greek coffee) in Greece you can choose from 3 flavors, Greek coffee is drunken pure, sweet or semi-sweet. The Greek coffee and the Turkish coffee are very similar, both are very finely ground, brewed in a small, narrow type of pan with a handle and it must be foamy. Ask a Greek and they came up with this way of making coffee first, but you guessed it already: if you should ask a Turk then ...
How to make Greek Coffee
Put the desired amount of coffee and sugar in the briki.
Measure the water with the cup of which you will drink.
Stir the mixture in the briki until well combined.
Place the briki - if needed on a flame distributor - on low heat and wait until foam appears, the coffee should not boil!
Remove the briki quickly from the fire when the coffee rises.
Pour the coffee in small coffee cups.