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Halloween Bark

eerily delicious
With chocolate, Autumn, American, and Halloween
Halloween chocolade sidepic

Shopping list
180g Tony's chocolate, white
180g Tony's chocolate, milk
sugar eyes
sugar bones
orange smarties
orange sprinkles

Halloween chocolade sidepicll

It's almost Halloween, we're making spooky chocolate bark for the mini-monsters and to give as gifts. We have orange sprinkles and orange smarties, because orange is the color of the pumpkins. We also have tiny bones, sprinkles and eyes, made of sugar. Awesome!

How to make Halloween Bark

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Bring a layer of water to the boil in a saucepan.

Place a fireproof dish on top of the pan and let it get hot.

Chop the white chocolate into small pieces.

Put the chocolate pieces into the bowl on the saucepan.

While we wait for the chocolate to melt, we cut a piece of baking paper to size

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Line your baking mold with waxed paper and fold the corners.

Remove the chocolate from the heat and stir it firmly.

Pour the chocolate into the mold and move it around.

Let the white chocolate harden for a while before you start the milk chocolate

A chocolate tip!
We can't say it often enough: take the chocolate off the heat as soon as it starts to melt and stir it briefly but firmly

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Melt the milk chocolate the same way.

Pour it onto the white chocolate.

Move the mold around to fill the corners.

Gently place the decorations on top.

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Finally add the sprinkles and let the chocolate harden.

Cut the chocolate in small bars and wrap it, if you like.

Happy Halloween!