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Make a picture frame

for your best Halloween picture
Halloween, Clay, Photo Frames, and Claying
Fimo klei sidepic
What do you need?
a black Ikea picture frame
Fimo clay, white, orange, green
varnish and a brush
Bison contact glue
Felt pen, silver
Halloween picture frame home

If you dress up on Halloween for 'trick or treat' this picture frame will come in very handy, your Mum and Dad will definitely take pictures!


How to make Halloween picture frames

Halloween picture frame 01
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Knead FIMO soft, roll into a ball.

Flatten the balls then draw lines on the pumpkin.

Model small stems, press onto the pumpkins.

Cut outl a ghost, press in a face using a toothpick.

Preheat the oven to 110 ° C and bake the Halloween figures, bake FIMO never longer than 30 minutes

Halloween picture frame 05
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Place the clay figures on aluminum foil.

Bake in the oven for 25 minutes.

Paint a text on the picture frame.

Halloween picture frame 09
Halloween picture frame home

  Varnish the figures and stick them on the picture frame.

Put in a scary picture or a Halloween drawing.

Happy Halloween!