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Happy Halloween

a creepy cheap ebook
Halloween, Reading Book, and Exciting

Happy Halloween is a bundle with 4 exciting, short Halloween stories. Just exciting, no real horror stories we understand. The ebook is made last year on the occasion of a Halloween party at Silvester Boek & Spel and is now available at bol.com as ebook, for only € 0.99.

A small taste of > Happy Halloween

Happy halloween home

Happy Halloween
Author: Jen, minkman, Marijke F. Jansen,|
Debora Elisabeth en Mizt aan de Maas
Original language: Dutch
Translated: not
Published: October 2016
Publisher: Jen Minkman
ISBN: 781540138477
Price: € 0.99 (ebook)
Age: 12-16 jaar

We did this never before at snazzie.nl We do not have an e-reader because we love the smell and feel of real books too much. Nevertheless, we would like to let you know that you can read 4 exciting Halloween stories for less than 1 euro. On your e-reader, that is :))

We can not determine the number of stars because we have not read the book ourselves but we wish you lots of fun reading anyway!