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Rolled Oats pumpkins

super food, does it taste good?
Halloween and Biscuits
Rolled oats pumpkins side

Shopping list
85 grams selfraising flour
50 grams biological oates
50 grams buter (room temperature)
50 grams demerara sugar
50 grams dried apricots
30 ml condensed milk

Recipe from http://bbcgoodfoodshow.com

Pumpkin cookie cutter

Rolled oate pumpkins home

Today we bake 'healthy' biscuits of a known superfood which look cute (yes, it is possible!). Oats exist roughly since the middle ages but they are very hip again today! :)

How to bake Rolled Oats biscuits

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Placethe  butter and the sugar together in a big bowl.

Stir it with a wooden spoon until combined.

Add the condensed milk to the mixture.

Stir firmly with the wooden spoon until it's creamy.

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Cut the apricots fine or let kids cut them with children's scissors.

Stir the cut apricots and the oats into the mixture.

This is hard for children, it has to be well mixed.

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Add the flour then stir firmly again.

The dough needs to look like big bread crumbs.

Knead the dough until smooth and supple by hand.

Now the dough should look like the dough in the picture.

Flatten the dough in between 2 sheets of waxed paper with your hands, to a thickness of +/- 2 cm.

Preheat the oven to 150°C and line a baking tray with greaseproof baking paper.

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Cut out pumpkins.

Make faces on the pumpkins.

Put the cbiscuits on the baking tray.

Bake the biscuits +/- 25 minutes.

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Rolled oats pumpkins home

Allow the pumpkins to cool on a wire rack.

The biscuits smell and taste really good, that is if you like oats ;)

Glass of canberry juice to go with it ... Happy Halloween!!