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Hazelnut ice cream

with Nutella
With chocolate, Italian, With nuts, and Ice Cream & milkshakes
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500 ml whole milk
25g milk powder, skimmed milk
65g Nutella

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Today a simple recipe to make your own hazelnut ice cream. The recipe is from the Italian chef Francesco Mazzei who of course does not go for a simple ice cream but he dresses it up with meringue, two different cookies, chocolate crumble and pistaschio nuts(!!) But we cook & bake for and with children so we leave the accessories by the chef off and just make a very tasty Nutella ice cream for our mini-monsters!

N.B. Do not forget the put the container from the ice maker in the freezer 24 hours ahead.

How to make Nutella - hazelnut ice cream

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Put the sugar, milk powder and milk in a pan.

Bring to the boil while stirring on medium heat.

Remove the pan from the fire and add the Nutella.

Mix the Nutella into the milk mixture.

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Keep mixing until the Nutella is combined.

Then push the mixture through a sieve.

Pour the mixture in a freezer box.

Place the box for two hours in the freezer.

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Fetch the box from the freezer.

Pour the contents in the ice maker.

Churn the ice cream half an hour.

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Now the Nutella hazelnut ice cream is ready to eat.

Scoops a ball in each carton and grate on chocolate.

Very yummie!