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Did we found stoepplantjes already?

We did indeed!
Info, Spring, Outdoor Play, Nature, and Learn while playing
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Today we look for:

01. Daisy - Bellis perennis

02. Shepherd's purse - Capsella bursa-pastoris

03. Meadow grass - Poa annua

04. Groundsel - Senecio vulgaris

05. Small field cress - Cardamine hirsuta

Found all!

Download the Hortus Botanicus calendar

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On May 20, on snazzie we discussed the super nice book Stoepplantjes, a publication of the Hortus Botanicus Leiden. De Hortus heeft een briljant project: laten we met zijn allen goed kijken als we buiten zijn, dan zien we prachtige plantjes bloeien, zomaar tussen de straattegels.The mini monsters thought it was such a fun challenge, finding sidewalk plants, taking pictures and writing the name with chalk. So we regularly look for the plants and yet along the way we also find beautiful plants that are not on our search list ;))
Now to our pavement plants search, we found the first 5 plants, plus a few extra
02. herderstasje bloei
03. straatgras   poa annua
04. klein kruiskruid

01. Daisy (Bellis Perennis)

02. Shepherd's purse (capsella bursa-pastoris)

03. Annual Grass (Poa annua)

04. Groundsel (senecio vulgaris)

05.kleine veldkers

05. Small field cress (Cardamine hirsuta)

19. Canine trot (Glechoma hederacea)

--  Long-headed poppy (Poppy dubium)

Another very nice message from the Hortus, you can subscribe to the Stoepplantjes-newsletter on their website. If you register with your email address you will receive a special newsletter with updates, photos, flowering messages and more in your mailbox every month. How nice and also handy do you want it to be? All the missed sidewalk plant newsletters that have already been sent earlier are downloadable on the website. The Hortus Botanicus calendar you can download for free.
Furthermore, a stunning new supplement to the project is published in April: Het stoepplantjes-album with decals. A lovely gift and/or a fun album for yourself and the kids! You can order it via the website or buy it in the Hortus shop.

Two plants that we found are not on the 52-week list. The Buttercup, and the Poppy but they are too beautiful to pass by ;))

Have fun searching!