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Merry Christmas

A Hello Kitty book by Yuko Shimizu
English language, Picture Book, and Christmas
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Merry Christmas Hello Kitty
Author/Illustrator: Yuko Shimizu / Sanrio
Original language: Japanese
Translated into English by: Abrams Books
Published: October 2014
Publishers: Abrams Books For Young Readers
ISBN13: 9781419713767
Price: € 6.99 (paperback)
Age: 4 years and up

Hello kitty sidepicll
Hello Kitty was created in 1973, by the Japanese designer Yuko Shimizu. In 1974, the Japanese company Sanrio introduced Hello Kitty in Japan. It took until 1976 before she became known in America but then Hello Kitty quickly conquered the world.

Funny is that she still is loved just as much as in the 1970s. Only now Hello Kitty is no longer just for little girls, teen boys and girls are now walking with her on their clothes and shoes :)))
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The booklets do not have much to tell but they are full of sweet and cozy pictures. The little mini-monsters love Hello Kitty. They think Kitty is very cute and they like the sweet coloured pictures. That the booklet is not translated into Dutch is no problem for the little monsters. :))

3 bright shining stars for Merry Christmas Hello Kitty, from the mini-monsters and their readers!