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This beautiful autumn cake

is homemade
With chocolate, Autumn, Pastry, and Treat
Autumn cake side

Shopping list
250g self-raising flour
250g butter (room temperature)
250g fine caster sugarr
a pinch of salt
1 sachet vanilla sugar
5 free range eggs (room temperature)
80g dark chocolate, 72%

Decoration: 100g melted chocolate, Autumn chocolates and marzipan

Autumn cake sidell

We cozily bake a pretty Autumn cake for our high tea this weekend and also for the Saint Michael's Feast. All our mini monsters are happy, two types of cake, a lot of chocolate and marzipan ... this is a cake from Fairyland! And so it disappears before your eyes ;)

How to make an Autumn cake

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Mix butter and sugar creamy, beat in eggs, one by one.

Fold flour, salt & vanilla in parts into the butter mix.

Break the chocolate in pieces then weigh 80 grams.

Melt the choclate au bain marie, let it cool a minute.

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C, when the cake goes into the oven decrease the temperature to 170 ° C.

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Grease a cake mold with baking spray or butter,

Stir the melted chocolate into half the batter.

First spoon in vanilla, then chocolate batter into the mold.

On top vanilla again then bake the cake for 45 minutes.

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Melt the 100 grams chocolate au bain marie.

Stir the melted chocolate while it cools.

Pour slightly cooled chocolate over the cake.

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Smoothen the chocolate on the cake.

Press autumn bon bons in the choclate.

Cut autumn leaves out of marzipan.

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Autumn cake promo

Press the Autumn leaves around the cake in the chocolate.

We are almost sorry to cut the cake!

Have fun tomorrow, on Saint Michael's feastday!