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Autumn cupcakes

pretty and delicious!
Autumn, Cupcakes, and Treat
Autumn cupcakes side

Shopping list
250g self-raising flour
250g caster sugar
250 grams of butter
4 tablespoons milk
3 free range eggs
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
2 teaspoons cocoa
200g marzipan + varied food colourings
100 grams of chocolate & white sprinkles

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Today we make cute autumn cupcakes The cupcakes are decorated with marzipan. It's easy using molds to make leaves and toadstools. If you do not then draw templates for the leaves on thick paper. Cut out the shapes, lay them on the rolled out marzipan and cut along the shapes. For toadstool hats roll balls, cut them in half. For the stems roll cylinders.

How to make Autumn Cupcakes

Preheat the oven to 170°C

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Mix butter, vanilla sugar and sugar creamy.

Add the eggs one by one to the batter.

Sieve the flour in 3 parts to the mixture.

Mix until combined.

We fill 6 paper cases with marbled batter and 6 with vanilla, we use the vanilla cupcakes later. You can also marble the whole batter by dividing it in two halves.

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Finally mix the milk into the batter.

Divide the batter in three.

Stir cocoa with some water into a paste.

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Stir the paste into one part of batter.

Add the 2nd part to the chocolate mixture.

Fork one batter through the other.

Fill the cupcake cases with batter.

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Slide the tin in the middle of the oven.

Bake the cupcakes in 15-20 minutes golden.

Let them cool on a wire rack.

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Knead different colours into the marzipan.

Roll the marzipan thinly and cut out leaves.

Press marzipan toadstools from the molds.

Melt the chocolate au bain marie, spread a layer on the cakes.

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Press the marzipan into the half dried chocolate.

Press the white sprinkles on the red toadstools.

The Autumn cupcakes are ready, enjoy!