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Autumn biscuits

are baked with pleasure
Dutch and Biscuits
Herfstkoekjes sidepic

Shopping list
350g plain flour + extra
1.5 teaspoon baking powder
dash of salt
1 tablespoon gingerbread spices
250g unsalted butter
175g caster sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 free range egg
250g icing sugar & water
2 drops of lemon juice
food colouring, various colours
sprinkles, green, red, orange
50g chocolate (72%)

Herfstkoekjes sidepicll

Baking Autumn bisquits is a lovely job and because we have made a lot of dough we bake them in all shapes and sizes. We cut out mushrooms, apples and a lot of little acorns. We even bake a fox and squirrels.

The baking goes quickly, the biscuits need about 15 minutes, the acorns only 10. Decorating with icing takes more time but your cookies will turn out more and more beautiful as you get on, Super fun!

How to make these Autumn biscuits

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Sieve flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl.

Stir the gingerbread spices into the flour too.

Stir all together until combined.

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Beat the butter and sugar creamy in the mixer.

Beat in the egg and the vanilla essence.

Beat in the flour mixture in parts.

Knead the dough quickly smooth by hand, shape a ball.

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Wrap the dough in cling film, put it in a clean bowl.

Place the bowl for 2 hours in the refrigerator, to firm up.

Sprinkle your workspace with flour then roll out the dough.

Preheat the oven to 175°C

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Cut out various type of biscuits, of approximately 1 cm thickness.

Place the biscuits on wax paper then 30 minutes in the fridge.

Bake the biscuits for +/- 15 minutes, the acorns 10 minutes.

Allow the biscuits to cool completely on a wire rack.

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Stir a white glaze of 100g icing sugar, some water and 2 drops of lemon juice.

Divide the icing, leave 1/4 white, make 2/4 red, 1/8 yellow, 1/8 green.

Brush the white glaze on the stem, let it dry. Red on the cap, let it dry.

Only make white dots on the toadstool's red cap once the red glaze has thoroughly dried. Make pretty round dots by using a little squeeze bottle.

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Brush red onto the apples, let it dry. Paint yellow on the red, green on the leaves.

Make red orange, brush on the fox. White paws, nozzle, chest, chocolate eye + nose.

Melt chocolate au bain marie, for the squirrel's tails, ears and eyes, add sprinkles.

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Decorate the acorn caps with melted chocolate too, add green sprinkles.

Arrange the biscuits on a big serving plate and brew a pot of tea.

High time for an Autumn tea party!