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Het afzien van 2015

a Fokke & Sukke annual review
Dutch language, New Year's, Funny, and Comic Book
Fokke sukke het afzien van 2015 sidepic

Het afzien van 2015 - Fokke & Sukke
Authors: Reid, Geleijnse and Van Tol
Illustrators: Reid & Geijnse
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: there's no point
Released: November 2015
Publisher: Cattulus
ISBN13: 9789078753940
Price: € 8.99
Age: (young) adults

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Every day a comic appears in the newspaper, it is the famous duo duck and canary, Fokke & Sukke, who give their vision or comment on the news of the day through writers / illustrators Reid, Geleijnse and Van Tol. That for a whole year and so also in 2015. The comics are sometimes funny, often tragi-comic but always spot on! Not only their comments are loved at snazzie, the drawings are just as fun and the news paper comics often hang on the various pin boards here ;))

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These comics have not been translated, they relate to what is daily going on in the Netherlands. You need to be very well versed in the Dutch society to understand its humor. For the Dutch, the booklet is a popular end-of-year gift, the Pieten carry these around the rooftops and these books can also be found under many a Christmas tree. We hope to read the comics for many years to come!

3 bright shining stars for het afzien van 2015 - Fokke & Sukke, from all the snazzie monsters!