Granddad's Island
Author / Illustrator: Benji Davies
Original language: English
Translated by: Edward van de Vendel
Published: July 2015
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Ltd
ISBN13: 9781471119958
Price: € 10.99 (paperback)
Age: 4 years and up
Grandpa's Island is another wonderful book by Benji Davies. We have been fans of his since The Little Stormwhale was published. Only this book isn't a story about a cute little whale, but it's about loss, like all of our picks of this month.
To be precise: the loss of your grandad, who often is a child's best friend. The story does not actually talk about dying, but only about loss.
In any case, it is a beautifully written (and read), very original story with cheerful illustrations, as always in the Benji Davies books. It must be a wonderful, comforting thought for children that if your grandfather leaves you forever, he will be very happy somewhere else.
3 bright shining stars for Grandad's Island, from the little listeners and their readers!