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Het Groot Haven ABC by Rob Wilken en Sandra Op de Beek

with illustrations by Caroline van Pelt
Dutch language, Picture Book, Reading Book, and informative and educational
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Het Groot Haven ABC
Author: Rob Wilken, Sandra Op de Beek
illustrator: Caroline van Pelt
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: not
Published: November 2018
Publisher: Hart in de Haven
EAN: 9789082894301
Price: €19.95 (HC)
Age: 6 years and up

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Het Groot Haven ABC (The Great ABC of the Port) is a fantastic reading and picture book about everything that has to do with a large port. Rotterdam has the largest port in Europe, no longer the largest in the world, which Shanghai took over from us in 2004.

It is understandable that you love the port if you live in Rotterdam, you see the water with the beautiful ships every day. But this is certainly also a wonderful book for non-Rotterdam residents, it is fun, informative, interesting and you learn a lot from it.

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For each letter of the alphabet, Rob Wilken and Sandra Op de Beek wrote about everything in and around the port. Caroline van Pelt made the most beautiful illustrations, sleek and modern, as befits Rotterdam, no unnecessary frills! ;))

This book answers many questions about the port and there is also a lot to search and find on the large pictures. We are happy with this book and so are the monsters, They already know quite a lot about the port but are still learning new facts and so are we.

3 large solid stars for Het Groot Haven ABC, from the little listeners, readers and out-loud readers!