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Het hele Jaar Feesten - Spring and Summer

a Waldorf Celebrations Book
Dutch language, Reading Book, Waldorf Books, and Celebrations around the World
Het hele jaar feesten homepage

Het hele Jaar Feesten (spring and summer)
(Waldorf festivities all year round)
Authors: Lisa Wade & Daan Rot
Chief editor: Femke Boshuizen
Series: (2) F Het hele Jaar Feesten(autumn and winter)
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: not
Published: November 2018
Publisher: Christofoor
EAN: 9789060388617
Price: € 21.50 (HC)
Age:for  all ages

Het hele jaar feesten sidepicll

Het hele Jaar Feesten (The Waldorf Festivals around the year, part 2) is a guide for parents of children who attend a Waldorf School. . If they don't go to school there but you want to adopt the parts of anthroposophy that are most appealing for your family? Then this is also a perfect book for you.

This book discusses all the festivals that are celebrated throughout the year at the Waldorf Schools. In a fun way is written about it but the book is also filled with beautiful photos, so that you can experience the celebrations a bit already. Today on snazzie part 2, spring and summer (Sadly only available in the Dutch language).

Het hele jaar feesten 01
Het hele jaar feesten 02
Het hele jaar feesten 03

You will also find lots of fun crafts, recipes and many songs in this lovely book, which will probably be familiar to Waldorf school students. Very nice to read how Lisa Wade and Daan Rot experience the intensive life as commited parents at the Waldorf School. How they prepare for the many annual celebrations of the waldorf School, together with their children. Warmly recommended!

3+ warm shining stars for Het hele Jaar Feesten (Waldorf Festivals All Year Around), from all the snazzie readers!